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Team Building & Systems Challenge

Team Building & Systems Challenge

How To Build Predictable, Scalable Systems For Scale In Your Amazon Business And Successfully Hire A-Players To Run Them 


How To Build Predictable, Scalable Systems In Your Amazon Business And Successfully Hire A-Players To Run Them 


The strength of the leader is the weakness of the organization
- Verne Harnish, Scaling Up.

You’re too important to your business and it’s stopping you from GROWING.
Going between slack, email, spreadsheets, sales dashboards and project management software to put out fires every single day is a waste of your talent, energy, and time.

All of which you should be pouring into the handful of high leverage tasks that will exponentially grow your Amazon Business all the way to 8-figures and beyond.

But instead you’re pushing through 10, 12, 16 hour days working inside your business because you’re the linchpin holding everything together.

And whenever you take a moment to look back over the past few months you get another harsh reminder of the fact you’ve fallen way short of your growth targets.

Causing you to slowly but surely lose your edge as an entrepreneur…

Making decisions from a place of fear, losing confidence in your ability to get things done, lowering your expectations of yourself, unwilling to take calculated risks (the same ones that got you to where you are today).
All of this is doing your lifestyle no favors either.
Being in a stressed out, reactive, coffee fuelled state from 6am until you reheat the dinner you missed again at 9pm (which you eat to the sound of notifications pinging on your phone) isn’t how you imagined your work days playing out.

Neither is being glued to your phone at your kids soccer game and lying to them about how good they did or not being present at social events (when you’re like this it’s way more obvious than you think it is).
The longer this goes on the more likely you are to justify this as the price you have to pay as an entrepreneur, and you’ll find plenty of “hustle and grind” style content online backing this up.

But the thing about all of this is NONE of it is necessary.
How many times have you heard… 
“You need to work ON your business instead of IN it”?
Let’s be conservative and say you’ve heard this a million times since starting your Amazon Business.

And with good reason, it’s a universal business principle you cannot ignore if you want to reach the heights of success you’re capable of.

But making it happen is a whole other story.

Every time you try to step away from the daily grind things start falling apart.

So you tell yourself doing a couple of hours of growth focused work here and there is better than nothing.

Which is true.

But it’s nowhere close to what’s required if you’re serious about growing to 8-figures and beyond.
All you need to do is show up, absorb the teachings, and take action.
“But I’ve hired people before and tried to build systems and it’s never worked out for me”
Picking up a copy of Traction, building random Zaps, hiring VA’s on Upwork or any other cookie cutter approach isn’t going to give you the freedom and security you need to focus the majority of your time on growing your business.

You need an approach designed specifically for Amazon Businesses.

Because if things remain as they are you’re going to slam up against the same immovable and unforgiving scaling wall time and time again.

And it’s this repeated, unforgiving collision that makes you try to convince yourself the success you have is good enough.

But being an entrepreneur means ambition is in your DNA.

You’re never quite satisfied.

And you’re always looking for that next level - more income, more freedom, more impact…

So instead of going against your nature or trying to find a way around building your own team and systems so you can reach the highest levels of success on Amazon.

Try this instead…
Our Team Building And Systems Challenge Will Show You How To Build Proven, Scalable Systems
And Hire A-Players To Run Them In Just 5 Days
This is a LIVE and interactive “workshop” style challenge.

You’ll be learning from and building with multi 7 and 8-figure industry leaders who have hired over 500 people combined AND handed over teams to the new owners of their brands after they exited in multi million dollar deals.
Here’s what you’ll be learning and implementing across the 5 days…

Pre-Challenge: Laying The Foundations

We want you to hit the ground running on day one.

You’ll be given some simple tasks to complete before we get started which will mean.

This will all be broken down in your welcome video once you sign up so you know exactly what to do.

Day 1: TitanWay™ Operating System and Annual Objectives

You’ll build the framework for your operating system and lay the foundations for what you’ll be building over the next few days.

This will all be linked to the milestones you set from your annual objectives so you can see how much growth you’ll experience once you have everything up and running.

Day 2: Creating Your Plan

You’ll be shown how to create a project brief to deliver the tactical actions your team needs to take so you move closer to the goals you set on all timelines.

Remember, everything you’re learning is geared towards growth in your business.

You’ll be learning, building, and activating systems every single day under the watchful eye of industry leading sellers.

Day 3: Building an Effective Team

Now you have a plan in place you need to learn who to hire based on where you want your brand to go.

You’ll build out your own team structure and create “Who to hire?” guides using the walkthrough of the exact processes used in multiple Amazon Brands doing hundreds of millions of dollars in sales.

You’ll also get a video walkthrough of a hiring process along with a cheat sheet so keep you on the right track when you go to hire your next team members.

Day 4: Onboarding and Measuring Success

Hiring the right people is only step one.

You need to set them up for success with a smooth onboarding process which covers everything they need to know from fulfilling their role to your expectations.

You’ll also get a tech stack walkthrough showing you the tools and platforms used by the industry leaders you’re learning from.

Day 5: Systems and Process Cycles

This is when you’ll be shown how to ensure your team is achieving the end results you set out for them.

You’ll cover meeting agendas, project management templates, and planning cycles.

And finally, you’ll be shown how to tie everything together so you have a complete system ready to help you scale up to and beyond 8-figures.

What Sellers Say About Our challenges

TLDR: Minds were blown!

Here are the industry leaders you’ll be working with

Dan Ashburn

Co-Founder of Titan Network
Dan and his industry-leading team are responsible for delivering 8-figures in annual sales on Amazon.

Operating in online marketing for 17 years, he is an international speaker, advisor, co-founder of Seller Events, co-founder of Titan Network, & Head Mentor on China Magic.

Athena Severi

Co-Founder of Titan Network
Athena creates unique Events, Sourcing Trips and Masterminds to help Entrepreneurs make life and business changing shifts towards more profit, prosperous relationships, and freedom.

She is the Founder of China Magic and Co-Founder Titan Network.

Justin Dyson

President - Titan Network
Justin Dyson is a multi 7 figure seller of a single brand that began selling on Amazon in 2015.

After scaling his brand and team, Justin sold the brand in 2020 for a multi 7 figure exit.

Now, he is scaling his new brands to repeat the process while he also advises other sellers within the Titan Network, China Magic, and more.

Chris Rawlings

Titan Leader
Founder and CEO of Sophie Society. After successfully expanding his brand to many international markets, Chris has turned his attention to help Amazon sellers grow their business.

He is now an Amazon expert that provides software and services to enable Amazon sellers to hit their revenue goals. He has helped to generate over 59 million dollars in revenue for his clientele.

With Thanks To Our Expert Partners

Global Tax &
Account Health and Case Resolution
Trained VAs
Outsourcing Resources & Training
Product Sourcing
Increase Customer LTV with Email
Innovative Shipping Cost Optimization

With Thanks To Our Expert Partners

Global Tax & Accounting
Account Reimbursements
Account Health and Case Resolution
Shipping Experts
Amazon Trained VAs
Outsourcing Resources & Training
Product Sourcing India
Increase Customer LTV with Email
Innovative Shipping Cost Optimization

How Exactly Does This Workshop Work?

Think of this as a week-long workshop with industry leaders where you leave every session with measurable improvements in key areas of your business.

All you need to do is show up, absorb the teachings, and take action.
  • Step 1. Register now using the button below.
  • Step 2. Follow the steps in the on-boarding process to get access to the group and set up to hit the ground running on day one.
  • ​Step 3. Show up every day ready to work and INTERACT with the leaders so you get the most out of every session.
Our “You MUST” Money Back Guarantee
You MUST be absolutely ecstatic about the improvements you make to your business every single day of this challenge.

You MUST gain insights and wisdom from the multi 7 & 8-figure Sellers you work with each day.

And you MUST feel like this is a one of a kind experience for you as an Amazon Seller AND entrepreneur.

If you don’t feel any of these things after the full 5 days of the challenge then you’ll qualify for a full, no questions asked refund on your ticket.

Prize Draw

You qualify for the prize draw by attending all 5 LIVE sessions. Here's whats up for grabs 👇

$10,000 in Cash Prizes to be Collected

We’re giving away 2x $5,000 prizes in hard cash. Use this to fund future product or accelerate the growth of current ones.

$20,000 in Titan memberships

We’re giving away $20,000 in Titan memberships.

Win a Full Listing Makeover ($2,500)

Shoe up every day for the chance to let Titan Ignite revamp and strengthen your entire product listing. So you can go from a mildly successful business to a thriving Amazon brand.

5 x Titans of FBA live event tickets

We're also giving away 5 tickets to our upcoming Titans of FBA LIVE event in Orlando in November.
“If you need a new system and don’t install it, you pay for it without getting it”
“If you need a new system and don’t install it, you pay for it without getting it”
The longer you go without building your own team and systems means you remain stuck achieving only a fraction of what you’re capable of.
You’ll continue surrendering your life outside of work just to keep up with the demands of your business which you have the ability to change.

And all your efforts won’t move the needle on anything that matters.


You build the systems and team you need so you can start making huge strides towards 8-figures and beyond.

You start gaining momentum and clarity like never before.

Every week is packed with fulfilling work you know is moving you closer to your most ambitious goals.

And you’re able to enjoy your time away from work because of all you’ve been able to accomplish that week.

So go ahead and hit the button below to get your spot for just $77 and set yourself up for 5 days of systems and team building mastery.

See you on the inside.
Are the sessions recorded, do we have access to them after the event?
The Sessions are recorded and will be available in the group for up to 7 days after the workshop.

How many hours per day will the live training last?
approx. 2 - 2.5hrs each day

How do I take part in the workshop?
The sessions will take part LIVE in the Facebook group and on Zoom. You will be able to ask questions in the comments section.

How do I access the Zoom sessions?
Ticket holders will be emailed a unique link to join a zoom meeting. 

What happens after the workshop?
The group will remain available up until Wednesday 16th December, 11:59 PST.
“It really feels like a family”
"Instead of drowning in something I didn’t know how to fix I  was being given a solution right away"
"I've been blown away with the amount of support and information"
“Our business has literally tripled”
“I feel like my business is a different animal”
“I don’t know if you realise this but you’ve created a community where you have shared values”
“This is our first step on the path to becoming multi-millionaires”
“It makes me really confident that I can grow the business even more”
“You can connect with someone who is a little further down the path you’re on”
“I doubled my sales with the PPC training”
“Titan is fuelling the expansion of our company”
“Titan has given me the ability to completely customise and source a product that doesn’t exist yet in the market”
“We believe that your network is your net worth”
“I want to surround myself with people who have already achieved what I want to achieve”
“The connections and the friendships will widen your reach and your opportunities”
“If I joined earlier I wouldn’t have wasted time & money on Guru’s”
“I don’t how Dan & Athena have done it but there’s a real culture of sharing in here”
"It's a community that actually cares about you and where you're at in the business"
"Titan is an awesome community of people trying to be better at business.. and trying to be better at life"
"The huddles, masterclasses and SOPs helped us launch our first product"
"The kind of people we can speak to on a daily basis, is just unreal"
"It has been amazing for my business and for me personally"
I attribute (our success) to being around sellers that are a level higher than myself"
Are you ready to gain momentum and clarity like never before?
Are you ready to gain momentum and clarity like never before?
All Rights Reserved
This Masterclass provides valuable resources and training for Amazon Sellers. Titan Network makes no claims or representations that listening to this masterclass will automatically launch your product for you. It is up to you to implement the steps and create your own success. Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of Titan Network. your business experience may vary based upon the effort and education of your business's employees,  management and the market forces beyond anyone's control.

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